Sunday, 27 January 2008

How and why is access achieved? Part 2

Someone nodding to say yes
  • Access can be helped by services that offer ‘individual, tailor-made support’ and that are based on knowing the person with learning difficulty really well.

  • Access can be helped by providing what is called an “umbrella” of support, where “small steps at a time” are taken so that it is not so far to fall.

  • Access can be helped when everyone communicates in the way the person with learning difficulty prefers (for example using Makaton or a symbols board).

  • Access can be helped when staff from different services (for example health and social services) work together.

High expectations and positive attitudes

  • We need to believe in what people with learning disabilities can do- their capacities and their capabilities.

  • We need to do positive assessments, where we start with what people can do and not that they cannot do.

    "I will find something else [job]. I am not a failure. I am a determined person" [Mathew Smith]

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